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Why You Should Promote Your Posts (and What the Difference Is from Ads)

You’ve probably experienced it: you just posted something amazing on social media, full of excitement, and then... hardly any reactions. Maybe a few likes. Perhaps even a comment from your aunt. It can be frustrating when you’ve put effort into a post, but it doesn’t get the engagement you expected. Promoting your post can help push it to a wider audience, boosting visibility and encouraging more interaction beyond your close circle, giving your content the chance it deserves to shine.

But then... nothing else. How can that be?

The reality is, with so much content flooding social media every day, it’s easy for your posts to get lost in the noise. Organic reach, especially on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, has dropped significantly due to algorithm changes. These algorithms prioritize content from friends, family, or paid posts. So, even if your content is amazing, without promotion, it may not reach your target audience. Promoting posts helps boost visibility and puts your content in front of more eyes.

What is a promoted post?

Imagine your post is a seed. You plant it on social media, hoping it will grow into a beautiful tree full of likes and comments. But, without water, that seed won’t grow beyond the first few centimeters. Promoting is like giving it a little water: you invest a few euros to show your post to more people. You don’t need to create something new; you're simply giving your existing post a boost to reach a wider audience.

According to data from Hootsuite, a post on Facebook typically reaches only about 5% of your followers. So, if you have 1,000 followers, only around 50 people will see your post. But if you promote your post for, say, ten euros, that number can increase by hundreds of extra views. Handy, right? By investing a small amount, you can dramatically expand your post's visibility and engagement, giving it the reach it deserves without having to create new content.

What’s the difference between promoted posts and ads?

Okay, let’s talk about advertisements. They’re a bit different from promotions. While promoting simply gives an existing post more visibility, with ads, you’re essentially creating an entirely new campaign. That means you can customize everything: the text, the image, and most importantly, who sees it. You can specifically target, for example, “I want only people aged 25-35 in Antwerp to see this, and only if they’re interested in vegan food.” Ads offer more control and precision when reaching your ideal audience.

That’s really useful when you want to reach a very specific audience. Additionally, ads often have more impact: a study by Wordstream shows that Facebook ads have an average click-through rate (CTR) of 0.9%. That might not seem like much, but compared to the 0.5% CTR for promoted posts, it’s a significant difference. This means that ads tend to be more effective at getting users to take action, especially when you're targeting a particular group.

het verschil tussen paid en organische advertenties

Why Organic Marketing Is Still Important

"But wait," I hear you thinking, "why should I even bother with my regular, non-promoted posts if I can just pay for promotion?" Good question! While paid promotions give your posts a temporary boost, organic content builds long-term engagement and trust with your audience. It’s a way to maintain consistency, authenticity, and connection with your followers. Organic posts form the foundation of your brand’s online presence and give you insights into what resonates most with your audience before you invest in promotions.

The answer is simple: trust. People don’t buy from someone they don’t know or have no connection with. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, 81% of people say they need to trust a brand before making a purchase. And trust is built through organic marketing—the content you share without paying to promote it. Organic posts show your audience who you are, what you stand for, and help build a relationship over time, laying the foundation for lasting brand loyalty.

Organic posts are like seeds you plant repeatedly. They help your audience get to know you and gradually grow to appreciate you. It's about building that authentic connection. When you consistently share valuable and interesting content, you significantly increase the chances that people will engage with your promoted posts or ads. The stronger the relationship built through organic posts, the more likely your audience will trust you and respond positively to paid promotions when the time comes.

FB en IG statistieken voor 2022

Hoe promoot je slim?

The secret? Use a smart combination of organic marketing and promotions. Imagine you own a café. If you constantly advertise your coffee without ever having genuine conversations with your customers, they’ll eventually tune you out. But if you occasionally engage in friendly chats and share what makes your coffee special, not only will they buy, but they’ll also keep coming back. Promoting is great, but it's the connection built through organic, authentic interactions that turns one-time customers into loyal fans.

Your organic content is like that casual conversation, building relationships and trust. Meanwhile, your promoted posts and ads are those moments when you say: "Hey, did you know we’ve got an amazing new coffee blend? Come give it a try!" It’s the balance between genuine interaction and strategic promotion that keeps your audience engaged and coming back. The organic part establishes the connection, and the promotions drive specific actions, like sales or visits, creating a seamless flow between engagement and conversion.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram take this balance into account. When you post high-quality organic content, your promotions often perform better. People who are already familiar with your brand are more likely to engage with your ads, increasing the chances of success. Familiarity builds trust, and when combined with strategic promotions, it enhances both visibility and conversion. In short, a solid foundation of organic content makes your paid promotions far more effective, as users are more inclined to interact with content from brands they recognize.


In short, promotions and ads are excellent ways to reach more people, but they work best when combined with strong, authentic organic marketing. Keep sharing valuable content regularly, invest in promoted posts and ads when necessary, and you’ll see your reach and engagement increase. By maintaining a balance between organic and paid strategies, you'll build trust with your audience while strategically growing your visibility and conversions.

Want to learn how to strategically use social media to grow your audience? Check out for tips and tricks! You'll find expert advice on how to boost engagement, improve your reach, and balance organic content with paid promotions. Start building a smart social media strategy today!


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